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SS111\'s ID Resolver integration-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 2020-11-28 18:11 首页 开源项目 SS111\'s ID Resolver integration

I originally posted issue #322 where I requested a multi-log viewer and a world-loading stopper. I added an idea concerning the integration of SS111 s ID Resolver (for 1.6.X clients only), but was asked to move to a new issue.

Link: https://github.com/SS111/Minecraft-ID-Resolver

This would include the automatic location of config directories and NEI item ID dumps (which are used to fix ID conflicts); MultiMC5 would use the program to print all conflicts that occur in the config directory and a configurable number of subdirectories.

There should also be a manual process of selecting config files to omit from the ID conflict resolution process (some mods use base block IDs , making it almost impossible to change IDs for these mods in an effective fashion). A NEI dump contains ALL IDs, so that mods with no configs or abnormal configs can still be used.

该提问来源于开源项目 MultiMC/MultiMC5

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\"weixin_39672194\" jck????? 3月前

I think ID resolvers are obsolete now -- and that s a good thing. Sorry for not acting upon this issue, but I m just going to close it now.

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 3月前

Oh yeah, I should note that sometimes you ll have a mod with a normal config - but it ll shift the IDs by 256.

And I should note the IDFix Minus resolves stuff when a conflict is detected. This ID resolver does not do that; it only tinkers with the IDs in the configs (and only those which are recognised as IDs for blocks and items; they are clearly marked out in the config files)

And I think that ID dumps should still be used - the resolver should change as few IDs as it can (to minimise the damage done to worlds that were created before the resolutions). There are also mods that don t have any configs (or for that matter, abnormal configs - see comments above).

Still, nice to see some development here.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

Edit: It does do the same thing as your mod, almost to the t.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

Bte found a Perl script that did almost the same thing as your mod, minus the NEI dumps.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

There are a few others such as Hunger Overhaul overwriting Natura and Harvestcraft things, as intended by iguana, but that isn t what you asked.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

I have seen Thermal expansion do it for a few items, can t remember some exact ones. It did mess up my configs for a while when I put idfix minus in. Though primitive, it did do what it advertised, albeit too far. I would recommend that conflicts from the same mod overwriting its own ids be ignored by your ID conflict manager.

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\"weixin_39908616\" weixin_39908616 3月前

And just as a little note, I m still working on this. I m currently re-doing the command line system as its currently very ineffective (for example, having the NEI ID dump being required). As the lone developer on the project, I tend to get sidetracked. It will get done, though.

Where have you seen a case where the same ID is used for the block and the item? I m curious.

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\"weixin_39672194\" jck????? 3月前

Ultimately, it s up to the user to decide.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

Having them run in the beginning may cause these unwanted effects, even if you were using it as a tool to find conflicts.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

corrupting* the block, rendering it useless or uncraftable.

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\"weixin_39843738\" weixin_39843738 3月前

Ok here is the deal with resolvers. They tend to change blockids they aren t supposed to. For example, there can be an item id and block id for the same block that both use 4000, as intended by the author. Id conflict managers tend to change these, sometimes coreu

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 3月前

Thanks! I really hope that this works for you! :D

I just want to point out that some configs don t just have one base block ID; I have seen a config called EasyColouredLights for a mod called Coloured Lights; this uses many different base block ID systems. This is why I want manual blacklisting and whitelisting.


I should have said this earlier, but would it be possible to have an option for auto-runs of the resolver before launching Minecraft?

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\"weixin_39908616\" weixin_39908616 3月前

Alright, thanks. I ll get to work.

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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

On the cli option: Yep

On the blacklisting: ^

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\"weixin_39908616\" weixin_39908616 3月前

Alright. I ll probably just add a command line option so that the arguments can still be specified (configuration directory, etc.) but it will open as a GUI rather than a command line window.

Finally, when referring to blacklisting, you re referring to the fact that you don t want to have to blacklist config files because they use the base block ID structure, correct?


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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

I think the displaying of information and such should be on the ID resolver side, so I think that can stay as is.

The part about not being able to choose config files was related to blacklisting, so it s solved by adding blacklisting.

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\"weixin_39908616\" weixin_39908616 3月前

Hi all! Thanks for your interest in my program.

Along with trying to fix the issue DeathHammer000 described, I could also do a few things to help you integrate my program with MultiMC. It s obviously not my decision, but if you like (after trying to fix the blacklisting issue, obviously) I could first add a silent command line argument, making the window invisible so the users don t have to deal with it. Secondly, I could add another command line argument that dumps a log of what would normally show up inside the program. This allows you guys to parse the data and display it how you want. You would unfortunately have to run it a second time to resolve the conflicts; I don t see any good way around that.

Finally, if there is any other issues my program might have with MultiMC I could get those fixed. 02JanDal was mentioning something above about how there isn t a way to choose what config files to use; I don t really understand this. Some elaboration would be great.

Anyway, I m going to go get started on the blacklisting issue. Thanks all!

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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

No need to close the issue, it s still valid, just without the blacklisting.

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 3月前

Okay, I understand. I ll wait for an answer at the other end and reopen the discussion.

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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

I m with peterix there. This should either be fixed by the resolver or by the mods.

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\"weixin_39672194\" jck????? 3月前

Isn t that the task of the ID resolver?

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 3月前

Some configs use base block IDs . This is like a universal ID; it adds to this number for different blocks.

This means that it is hard to tell the actual structure of the IDs. If the number in the specified config is changed, there could be a high risk of ID conflicts.

Two examples are OreSpawn and NetherX.

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\"weixin_39672194\" jck????? 3月前

IMHO, we can do it without the config disabling and determine if that s something we want to do after some testing/use.

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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

That still doesn t answer the question on why you d need that. It doesn t make any sense, why would you want to hide some config files from the resolver?

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 3月前

I ve asked for the whitelist/blacklist feature over at the other page. I haven t got a reply for the initial idea yet.

Perhaps it could deal with configs like they are mods; it could change the file extensions to .cfg.disabled whilst fixing the IDs, so that the ID Resolver does not read them. If it still recognises them as text files, I don t have any more ideas...

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\"weixin_39672194\" jck????? 3月前

that should really be handled by the resolver tool.

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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

An install button could make use of the GH release stuff, which the ID resolver seems to use. It s GPL, does that allow us to do so?

So it would create a temporary folder, move all selected config files there, run the tool, and then move them back? I don t know if I like that, would this really be needed? If yes, for what? (in case it could be solved in another way)

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\"weixin_39632698\" weixin_39632698 3月前

Okay, that s great. :) I d like to see an install button for this on 1.6.X clients.

On the issue of the config selection, MMC5 should be able to file configs in different directories (configs to whitelist, configs to blacklist).

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\"weixin_39856607\" weixin_39856607 3月前

Using what s currently available from the tool, this could be done:- Settings and menu entry like MCEdit etc.- Triggering the menu entry runs the tool with the options -c instance /minecraft/config -s - If the NEI dump file can be detected -n dumpfile would also be added- It would be run as a detached tool, so closing MultiMC would not close the ID resolver.

The ID resolver currently has no way of specifying which config files should be used, so someone would have to implement that in the ID resolver and submit a PR for that there.

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\"weixin_39672194\" jck????? 3月前

Ideally as external tool.

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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)